The Hon. Nanaia Mahuta, Minister for Youth Affairs, Assoc. Minister for Local Government, New Zealand

The rebirth of Indigenous identity and culture in New Zealand

The last ten years has seen a huge revitalisation of Indigenous identity throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. Presenter Nanaia Mahuta, speaking from the unique position of an experienced Government Minister who is relatively young, female and Maori, will describe areas of significant progress in indigenous power, language, culture and identity. Examples include the enthusiastic recovery of language and culture, the Haka becoming a symbol of national pride and increased Indigenous voice and control in education, health, social programmes, and broadcasting. Resolution of native title issues has been a significant factor in this progress, but other strategies that governments, non-government organisations can employ to support Indigenous communities will be discussed.

Nanaia Mahuta is a Maori New Zealander of Waikato-Maniapoto and Ngaapuhi descent. She is Minister of Customs and Youth Affairs, and Associate Minister for Local Government and the Environment in New Zealand. Since being elected to Parliament Ms Mahuta has been a member of the Regulations Review, Electoral Law, Transport & Environment, Maaori Affairs, Education & Science, Local Government & Environment Select Committees. In 1999 she became Parliamentary Private Secretary for Education and Local Government.  Nanaia works with Maaori and Iwi in her electorate to find creative solutions to age-old problems and long-term sustainable opportunities that involve Maaori, Local Government, Central Government, business and community sectors.