Karl Hatton, Cultural Services Officer, Development Services, Glenelg Shire Council

Measuring economic outcomes of cultural activity in Portland: the why and how

Glenelg Shire Council has a Cultural Strategy Plan, which has now been in place for ten years. One of the strategies listed in that Plan was to undertake a study of the economic impact of Arts and Culture in the Shire. There was a recognition that arts and cultural activities probably had a quite significant economic impact, but there was no statistical data to support this assumption. 

It was felt that a study of this kind would be beneficial to both community groups and Council with respect to future planning, and could also provide valuable support for any funding submissions to organisations external to Council, when seeking support for future arts and cultural projects. The study was finally implemented in 2005-2006 at the instigation of the Cultural Services Officer, and this presentation provides an outline of how the study was funded, the kind of research strategies utilised, and a summary of the outcomes of the study and proposed recommendations to Council.     

Karl Hatton has been the Cultural Services Officer for the Glenelg Shire Council since late 1999. His responsibilities include management of the Portland Arts Centre (a Council-owned performance and gallery space), development and implementation of an annual Glenelg Shire Arts Program, facilitation of community-focused arts and cultural projects within the Shire, and supervision of staff managing the Shire Cultural Collection. He was previously a Senior Lecturer in Educational Drama and Theatre Studies at Australian Catholic University, Aquinas Campus, Ballarat from 1978 to 1997, and at various times has been actively involved in community theatre as both a director and performer.