Professor John Wiseman

The contribution of cultural development to community well-being: key trends and emerging ideas

This presentation will provide an overview of emerging evidence and ideas about the contribution of cultural development and creativity to community wellbeing. This will include:
• A critical overview of recent Australian policy and research literature on the contribution of cultural development and creativity to community wellbeing
• Evidence about key trends in relation to Victorian participation in arts and cultural development including data drawn from the initial Victorian Community Survey recently conducted by the McCaughey Centre.
• Reflections on policy, practice and research implications

Professor John Wiseman is Director of the McCaughey Centre, VicHealth Centre for the Promotion of Mental Health and Community Wellbeing, School of Population Health, University of Melbourne. Professor Wiseman has worked in a wide variety of academic, community and public sector settings and published numerous books and articles on public policy, with particular focus on alternative local, national and international responses to globalisation. Between 2003 and 2006 he was Professor of Public Policy at Victoria University. Between 2000 and 2003 he was Assistant Director, Policy Development and Research in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet. Prior to that he held the position of Associate Professor of Social Policy in the School of Social Science and Planning at RMIT University.