Glenyys Romanes, Manager Community Relationships, Department of Infrastructure

Train Stations as Creative Community Hubs

Train stations are not generally places where people want to be for too long; after all they are only, by definition, a transit point on the way to a destination elsewhere. The project ‘Train Stations as Creative Community Hubs’ aims to find stations where there are opportunities to transform these public places into vibrant and attractive centres of community activity where people feel safe and want to get involved. Another important aim is to increase public access to the arts and cultural activity at train stations or provide an effective outlet for spreading community information.

A Steering Group of state and local government agencies, transport operators and authorities, all under the leadership of VicHealth, have agreed on a set of project objectives and embarked upon the process of assessment and selection of 3 pilot train stations which meet common criteria. Two criteria used as a starting point to narrow the search are ‘troublespots’ and stations in geographical areas of disadvantage. 

A process of community engagement with a wide range of local stakeholders will determine the final shape of each pilot train station ‘hub’. Enhanced community pride, ownership and involvement with train stations is expected to assist efforts to reduce crime at stations and to improve perceptions of personal safety and security. As a result, more people will be encouraged to catch public transport.

Glenyys Romanes is currently the Manager of Community Relationships, Department of Infrastructure, where she is leading the project 'Train Stations as Creative Community Hubs'. Between 1999 and 2006, Glenyys was a Labor politician, serving Victoria as Member for Melbourne Province. During the 1990s, Glenyys was a Councillor of the City of Moreland and Mayor of Brunswick City Council. These experiences highlighted for her the importance of remaining in touch with the concerns of local communities while working as a parliamentarian and the wisdom of a community development approach to implement change. Glenyys's political and professional work interests include social justice and equity, public education, public transport, the environment and good governance.