State / Territory Networks

Each state and territory of Australia has a local government peak body. Many of these have established groups working on culture in local development, as listed below. If your state doesn’t have a group, you might activate for one to be established.

New South Wales

Local Government NSWNSW local government association

LGNSW’s objective is to strengthen and protect an effective, responsive and creative local government arts sector across NSW. LGNSW does this by supporting and advocating on behalf of member councils and delivering a range of relevant, quality services and strategic initiatives for council staff and elected members.

LGNSW has a strong relationship with state government and NSW arts and culture peak bodies and is represented on the NSW Public Libraries Consultative Committee. LGNSW’s Arts and Culture policy information is available on a dedicated page.

Contact: Sally Watterson, Project Manager – Arts & Culture
Tel. 02 9242 4047 |

Northern TerritoryNT local government association

Local Government Association of the Northern Territory 

LGANT, on behalf of its members, facilitates the nomination of elected members or staff to external committees and organisations wanting local government representation.

LGANT has representatives on committees and organisations related to arts and culture including:
• Heritage Council – This council advises the Minister on heritage places and objects.
• NT Planning Commission – This commission ensures the NT planning system facilitates sustainable economic growth, protects environmental, cultural and heritage assets and connects people and places.
• Public Library Advisory Committee – This committee provides advice and supports Northern Territory Library in providing options for the strategic direction for the delivery of public library services in the Northern Territory.

The LGANT Executive receives reports from representatives on its committees and sometimes makes policy in relation to issues arising from the proceedings of such committees.


Local Government Association of Queensland

Qld local government association

LGAQ has an Local Government Art and Culture Reference Group, that aims to strengthen the relationship between State and Local Government in order to effectively position arts and culture. The Reference Group provides a forum to discuss emerging trends and issues in arts and cultural development and identify strategies and partnership opportunities. The group is made up of 15 councillors and senior council officers from across the state and is co-chaired by Arts Queensland and LGAQ.

Culturelink is a free online community which seeks to promote and enhance excellence in regional arts and culture. Provided as a place where you can: build networks; share information, tips and tools; stay informed; celebrate and inspire; and seek objective feedback and suggestions.

Local Government Online (LG Online) is a subscription service provided by the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ). The service has been developed in partnership with Queensland councils. LG Online provides councils and their staff with a bundled suite of information services and online tools. The service is designed to deliver the information people want – in a manner they want to receive it. Art and Culture LGOnline

South Australia

Local Government Association of South Australia 

LGASA hosts a Creative Communities Network, comprised of local government cultural development workers and representatives of key, state wide arts organisations keen to support creative communities. CCN works to address cultural development and arts industry-related issues by networking, facilitating workshops, seminars, forums and conferences, and building partnerships with arts industry organisations. Members meet monthly. 


Tas local government associationLocal Government Association of Tasmania

LGAT hold a series of events and meetings throughout each year that encourages representation from all councils.


LGPro Arts and Culture Special Interest Group

Vic local government association

This group of local government professionals meets quarterly to network, share best practice and learn about the latest trends and developments in areas of special interest. The group is hosted by the City of Melbourne, and affiliated with LG Pro.

Western Australia

WALGA Planning and Community WA local government associationDevelopment Policy Team

The WALGA Planning and Community Development Policy Team provide advice and assistance on government policy and legislation that impacts Local Government functions including Arts and Culture; among many other areas.